Jewish women and girls over age 10 from around Northwest Connecticut will be mixing,
kneading and making blessings at Litchfield’s first Mega Challah Bake on Sunday June 26
at 10:30 a.m. at Chabad, 69 West St. in Litchfield.
At the event, participants will learn how to mix, knead and shape their own traditional challah.
Challah in its more widely-known usage refers to a braided bread traditionally eaten
at Shabbat and other holidays, and is considered one of the most famous Jewish foods.
But in its more basic, biblical meaning, challah is the piece of dough that is traditionally
separated and consecrated to God while baking bread, a custom that has been performed
by Jewish women for more than 100 generations.
“Baking challah is a time-honored mitzvah dating back to our matriarchs,” said Mina
Eisenbach, one of the event organizers.
The event is open to the public, for more information and to RSVP, visit: chabadNW.
Mega Challah Bake Comes to Litchfield
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