Connecticut families continue to pay the price for Biden-Blumenthal policies that have led to record inflation and energy prices, according to Republican U.S. Senate candidate Leora Levy. “As Biden prepares to sign the misleadingly named “Inflation Reduction Act,” 87,000 new IRS agents will be weaponized to go after the American people — all with Dick Blumenthal’s support,” Levy said in a campaign press release. “This terrible bill which does nothing to “reduce climate change,” proves once again that to people like Dick Blumenthal, furthering a partisan political agenda is more important than serving the American people. “Blumenthal and his party even rejected a commonsense amendment that would have prevented the IRS from targeting middle class families making less than $400,000 per year! Armed IRS agents will target middle class Americans with GOP’s Levy: 87K Blumenthal-Backed IRS Agents Will Target American Families more audits. After the IRS was caught targeting their political opponents in 2013, Americans are rightfully concerned by this sudden development. “As Connecticut Attorney General, Blumenthal drove many Connecticut businesses to leave the state, and now in Washington, he is going after small businesses and families once again! “Connecticut is fed up with Biden, Blumenthal and all the career politicians
failing our country. Voters, taxpayers and people across our great state are ready to end the Blumenthal blight. I will always fight for Connecticut families!” said Levy. The Greenwich resident warned that while President Biden isn’t on the ballot in November, his policies are and if unchecked by a Republican-led Senate, they will turn the United States into a place more resembling the communist Cuba she and her family escaped from in 1960.
GOP’s Levy: 87K Blumenthal-Backed IRS Agents Will Target American Families
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